Our first day in Rabat started with us going to the liberian embassy to get our first visa, we gave them our passports, 60 € and a fake booking confirmation for some hotel down in Liberia. We had to come back in the afternoon so we had a little time around town. Rabat is not one of the most beautiful towns in Morocco, with a lot of plain buildings and some shops. The interesting part was the souks. Entering our first souk we were a bit overwhelmed, it was so full that we barely had space to walk and there was shouting as we'd never heard before. The nice thing about the souk was how authentic it felt, we didn't see a single tourist and there were only Moroccans walking the streets. After that we went to the other side of town where we entered another souk, this was the old part of town and the souk was a lot less populated. However, the streets were really slim and we felt like walking in a Labyrinth. We also got to see the biggest graveyard we've both witnessed. So; after having seen the city we went to get our visa at the embassy. As soon as we got there we got directed to the ambassadors (or some diplomats) office. It kinda looked like an office I would have built with furniture from an old school building. We had a nice little chat with the ambassador about our trip and left the embassy delighted that it went down easily. Happy to have got our visa we got in our car and drove to Marrakech.